Tuesday, 31 July 2018
Friday, 27 July 2018
9 Kayak Fishing Tips That Will Turn You Into an Expert
If you’ve ever trolled with an electric motor, you’ll know how much fun that can be. But, trust me when I tell you that fishing with a Kayak is so much better. Kayaking has seriously increased in popularity over the last couple of years. There’s more than one reason for this rise in popularity, but the number one cause is that the hobby is far cheaper than opting for a boat. You can buy and kit out a kayak with all the latest gadgets for a fraction of the cost of a second-hand aluminum boat. Additionally, you’ll be able to maneuver a kayak into places that boats couldn’t even dream about. Not only are they cheaper and easier to navigate into difficult areas, but you’ll feel much closer to nature and it’s good for your health, requiring a little bit of exercise.
Kayak Fishing Tips
So, now that you’ve bought your kayak, how can you become an expert in no time at all?
Keep Close To The Shore
If there’s a current present that you need to paddle against, then you’ll want to be as energy efficient as possible. It can be very disheartening fighting against a current only to realize you’re making very little headway. One way to overcome this is to stay close to the shoreline where the current is less, this means you’ll expend less energy in getting to your destination and you’ll get there faster. You’ll also arrive at your fishing hole without your arms and shoulders screaming at you, meaning you can jump straight into the fishing without the need for a break. If you want to make your life even easier, you can even buy a kayak with pedal operated flippers built in. Your legs are some of the biggest muscles in your body and are ideal for moving you along, so operating these kayaks is very efficient and not at all tiring.
Use an Anchor
You, your kayak and all of your gear are only a fraction of the weight of a boat and outboard motor combined. So, it’s not at all surprising that when the wind begins to pick up, you’ll find you drift much faster than you would be if in a boat. It’s on these days that you’ll find an anchor is an invaluable piece of kit. Even a relatively cheap two-pound claw anchor can make a big difference and will keep you stationary on even the windiest of days. Please bear in mind that anchoring in a current requires a bit of forethought and planning. How to do this safely is a beyond the scope of this article, but an incorrectly placed anchor in a current can easily flip your kayak, so do some research before making any anchoring attempts.
Using Eddies
If you’ve fished in flowing water before, then you might already know about this tip. Fishing from a Kayak in a current is possible, but it does present its own set of unique challenges. The size of your Kayak can actually work to your advantage when working in flowing water, due to the compact size and small footprint, you can position your kayak in such a way that you take advantage of any eddy’s in the water. The best way to think about this is if you want to fish in a particular area, go upstream passed the fishing point and tuck your Kayak into an eddy. If you get the positioning right you’ll be able to stay in this spot without too much difficulty with only the periodic need to reposition your vessel.
Using Casts to Position the Kayak
This is a neat little trick you can perform. If you’re using baits that provide resistance in the water, for example, a spinner, then you can use the cast and reel into move around. As kayaks are generally lightweight, it doesn’t take much to move them around. Simple physics comes into play, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Which basically means that the force you employ to move your spinnerbait towards your kayak will also move your kayak slightly towards your spinnerbait. If you employ this method in a slowly moving river, casting upstream on every cast, you might just find that you’ll stay fairly stationary, with very little drift.
Use your Feet
Use your head and your feet. What I mean is think about how you use your feet to help maneuver your Kayak. Your feet can quite easily be used as little rudders to help steer your kayak to the right location. You can also use them to anchor yourself to a single location when the water’s depth allows you to get a foothold. You can often quite easily use your foot to push the Kayak against something solid such as a boulder, tree stump, submerged shopping trolly… you get the idea. Bonus tip, if your hands are full with other things, a simple push of with your feet is often enough to get you well on your way to another location where interesting fishing things are happening.
One-Handed Skills Part One
If you want to be a master Kayaker, you need to learn how to paddle with one hand only, this will help you avoid many potentially sticky situations. If you’re enjoying a leisurely snack, holding onto a beer, juggling some tackle or taking a selfie of your face with your brand new Kayak, then being able to maneuver with your other hand is an invaluable skill. That’s not to mention the times when you actually catch a fish and things are getting exciting as you slowly drift towards an aggressive Goose. Putting in the effort to learn this skill will prove your kayaking experience no end.
One-Handed Skills Part Two
Here’s another skill you’re going to need to master in order to be a competent kayak angler, one-handed casting. When you don’t have the stability of a boat or the height advantage offered by a pier working in your favor, then casting can be somewhat tricky. When you consider how low you are when compared to the level of the water, there isn’t much room for error. Learning the one-handed cast can help with this, allowing for greater control and balance, even if it does feel a bit awkward, to begin with. Given enough time and practice, the skill will become second nature and help you transition into a Kayaking pro.
Safety is Smart
I completely understand the temptation of packing up your Kayak and heading out to an unknown body of water where it’s just you, the fish and the water. However, I would urge some caution. Make sure you know what the weather is supposed to do that day, but also learn to read the tell-tale signs that the weather is changing. What I’m saying is be aware of your surroundings, weather can change very quickly, and you don’t want to be battling against the elements in the middle of nowhere. You might think it looks daft, but wearsafety gear, more than a few lives have been saved by being dressed for the environment. If you can, fish with a friend, or at least let someone know where you’re going and what time you should be home. Fishing safely should be your priority.
Learn From Others
Take a look at what other Kayakers are doing and learn from them. If you can get involved with a group of kayak fishers that regularly head out together, then you’re going to naturally soak up their knowledge without even realizing it. Plus it’s a whole lot more fun to share these experiences with other people and not to mention it’s much safer. There’s nothing better than heading out for a fishing and camping weekend with some friends, just make sure you take something to eat with you as no fishing trips are guaranteed to land you a catch. Consider a top rated kayak for safety and a great experience.
The post 9 Kayak Fishing Tips That Will Turn You Into an Expert appeared first on Crow Survival.
source https://www.crowsurvival.com/kayak-fishing-tips/
Thursday, 26 July 2018
What Do Bass Eat? 7 Surprising Baits that Work Every Time
Every bass fisherman has asked themselves or someone else, “What do Bass Eat?”. We ask this question for an obvious reason, if we know what they eat, we can more easily catch them. Even if we enjoy being outdoors and appreciate the time spent with nature, we would still rather not waste our time with little chance of catching a Bass. It’s important to have a basic understanding of the feeding habits of the fish we’re looking to catch, this will save us time and money in the long run and increase the fun factor as we’ll get more bites in return. We don’t have to be an expert on fish feeding habits, nor do we need to know what every fish likes to eat, but having a basic understanding will put us ahead of the pack and could dramatically increase our chances of success.
Largemouth bass are known as predator fish, which means they hunt and eat other fish, bugs, insects and pretty much anything else they can wrap their mouth around. Given enough time, food and a suitable environment, Largemouth bass can grow to a significant size. They are best suited to warmer waters with plenty of hiding places where they can ambush their prey. They will naturally eat smaller fish such as minnows and shad, but given the opportunity, they will quite happily take on larger fish such as trout. They don’t only eat fish and will eat mice, rats, frogs, insects and even small birds. I have personally seen a very large 14 pound or more Bass attack a duck!
Bass will prefer to hunt and eat things that seem to be hurt or struggling in the water, as these are generally easier kills with less energy expended to secure a meal. It’s due the varied diet of bass that we have so many bait options and they all play in different ways when in the water. Despite how they look, bass are pretty smart, so going out with the same bait every single day is likely to result in diminishing returns. The fish will learn to avoid what you’re offering them in very little time. When you’re out fishing you might find that a plastic minnow works wonders, however, the very next day you’ll only get a bite if you’re using a 9″ worm. At a basic level, this means if you’re having no luck with one method after an hour, try something different and see if that produces the results you’re looking for. Bass in popular fishing spots are less likely to perform well to common fishing methods, this is when you should try and mix things up a bit.
When do Bass Eat?
If you want to maximize your chances of catching a bass, then you need to understand the time of day they like to eat. To better understand the answer to this question it’s a good idea to take a look at how bass eyes are designed. A bass is characterized by very large eyes that protrude slightly from the side of their heads, they have a single large lens that allows for a lot of light to be captured from a wide viewing angle. Coating the back of their eyes is melanin which helps them see better both in bright conditions and when little light is available. During the day Bass have what is classed as photopic vision and at night they have scotopic, which basically means that during daylight hours they will see better colors and depth perception, and at night their eyes will adjust to take in more light at the expense of depth and color. Most experienced anglers will fish at either dusk or dawn, this is when Bass are actively hunting prey due to their visual advantage they have over prey. If you go out often enough you’ll come across plenty of occasions where shad are being pushed to the service at dusk by hunting bass.
Can Bass See in the Dark?
There’s something magical about fishing at night, it’s an experience that’s completely different to fishing during daylight hours. We’ve already established that bass has a distinct advantage over their prey when it comes to low light conditions due to their unique eye biology. But does that directly translate into anglers being able to fish at night for bass?
The short answer is yes. Bass are frequently more active at night where conditions suit their hunting style, this means that night anglers are going to have an increased amount of success if they are well prepared and have the right bait. In addition to increased activity, you’re probably going to find less competition from fellow anglers at night, so you should be able more easily position yourself in a prime spot. In my experience and contrary to intuition, a darker bait is better suited to night time fishing. if you’re not having any luck with darker baits, feel free to switch to another color and see what the response from the fish is lke. It’s worth bearing in mind that fish are not the only thing that prefers nighttime, you’ll probably find a significant increase in insects, so top up on repellant or invest in a face net.
Quietly Does It
We now know that bass has exceptional eyesight and are able to see well both in light and dark conditions, but what about their hearing? If you manage to catch a bass, you’ll probably find that there aren’t any obvious signs of ears, at least not the same as mammals ears. But, if you have any experience at all, you’ve probably had experience of bass being drawn to bait hitting the water, so what does this mean? Bass actually locate and attack prey based on both sound and sight. Bass ears are located inside their head without any obvious outward signs that they have any at all, but the upside of this is that their whole body can act as a sort of sounding board, helping them locate prey in a 360-degree radius. This allows Bass to locate a frog plopping into the water, small fish jumping, and they will also hear your lure as it moves through to water or when it breaks the surface. This also has a downside, if they can hear things hitting the water, then they can probably hear you moving around or talking. Even these small sounds can be enough the scar fish away. This is doubly important if you’re on a boat as everything is amplified slightly due to the boat hull, motors, gear and moving around can easily spook wary fish, causing them to swim for cover.
Can Bass Smell Bait?
We’ve all come across the various sprays and gels that can be added to lures in order to entice the fish to bite, or maybe you’ve seen the plastic worms that smell like decomposing cat food. The question is, can bass really smell and detect these things? Bass have a sense of smell, however, the area of their brain that’s responsible for smell is not as large as the areas responsible for site and sound. This basically means that a bass will primarily rely on sight and sound to detect prey, with smell being a secondary method. In certain situations smelly bait is likely an advantage, for example, if the water is murky, then bass may rely upon smells to locate a potential food source. It’s likely that bass can smell better underwater than humans can above water, which is largely due to how smell permeates water. A smell will linger far longer underwater than it will in the air, it won’t dissipate as easily and in still bodies of water the smells are likely to stay around for quite some time.
Once a year bass will come up from the depths to spawn, creating a whole new generation of mini bass that will hopefully grow into monster fish for us to catch. But, can you catch Bass when they’re in the middle of the act and are they actively feeding during this period? The answer is not a straightforward one, unfortunately. When spring finally comes around and the waters start to warm up, Bass will move into shallower waters and begin eating as much food as they can in order to prepare themselves for egg production. High protein food such as craw-fish are going to be the preferred prey, so you’ll probably have a decent amount of luck using a lure that looks like a salamander or brush hog. When they being to nest the male will first move into an area to clear it out for the female, the female will then move in to lay her eggs. During this time bass will be very aggressive towards anything they think might threaten their eggs and nest, which you can use to your advantage. Casting your bait into a nesting area multiple times may be enough to provoke bass to attack your lure.
Why do Bass Eat my Bait
So, why are baits and lure effective at catching fish? Baits and lures work primarily for three reasons, anger, hunger and curiosity. When trying to catch any sort of fish, using a lure or bait that looks and acts like something that is part of their staple diet is a decent method of securing a bite. For bass, this might consist of salamander, shad, insects, worms or crawfish. When using these types of bait it’ important to try and make the bait look natural or injured. Twitching the rod as you retrieve your lure and can give the bait the characteristics of something injured, but experiment with a variety of methods to see what works best for the fish you’re trying to catch. When bass are in spawning season you might have to be more persistent in a particular area, this is due to the bass more likely to attack lures based on protecting a nest rather than out of anger. If you can act as a persistent threat then you’re more likely to cause the bass to strike.
Do Miracle Baits Work?
We’ve all seen the adverts for miracle baits, and it’s difficult not the be drawn in by the amazing claims they make. If it helps me land a huge bass, then $19.95 is a very reasonable amount of money to pay, right? We really need to ask ourselves, do miracle baits actually work as described? In my experience with miracle baits, they work as much as any other bait will work. The real key to using miracle baits or any other baits is making sure it’s what the Bass are looking for. I’ve used a miracle bait that was advertised late at night, the bait itself looked the part, it was a pretty convincing shad and it was made of three movable parts, this means when it moved through the water it looked like a shad swimming.
Despite the lure looking the part, I had no luck using it over a period of two weeks. Then one evening I saw shad near the surface of the water being chased by something, I threw my lure out and I had a strike on the first cast. The lesson here is that the lure didn’t work because the Bass weren’t hunting shad during most of my fishing trips, as soon as they were, my lure worked. I would suggest considering miracle baits, but just bear in mind that you need to be aware of the basses behavior and try to mimic the prey they’re looking for. Any bait can work if you think about how you’re using it and spend more on lure won’t necessarily provide any more catches.
Season Changes Affect What Bass Eat
You’ve probably noticed yourself that the food available to us tend to change with the seasons, summer, fall, winter and spring. This is part of the natural cycle of growing things and it might be more pronounced in colder climates where there are significant temperature changes between winter and summer. Spring and summer might be filled with outdoor foods, picnics and barbecues with more fruit, salads and lighter food types. We may also eat later at night due to the longer daylight hours. In the winter we might be inclined to eat earlier as it gets dark earlier, we might also eat foods that are more filling and warmer. Just like humans, bass eating habits change with changes of the seasons. Like all fish, bass are cold-blooded, so temperature has a big influence on how they behave and what they eat. When it’s spring, bass are more likely to be found in shallower water, but when it get’s too hot they will retreat into the depths. When the surrounding water begins to chill the metabolism of bass will begin to slow, meaning they don’t need to eat as much and they are generally more sluggish. Knowing how the temperature effects fish will allow you to better judge where they’re located and how ferocious their appetite is likely to be.
Bass will try to eat almost anything that is smaller than they are, including mice, rats, insects, craw-fish, birds, other fish, and salamanders. They have fantastic eyesight, sense of hearing and can smell things pretty well. All of these make bass an accomplished hunter and should influence how you go about catching them. As the seasons and weather changes, your tactics and baits should change to meet the bass needs at that time. Mimic the behavior of their favorite foodstuff and you might find the fish you catch increase by a significant amount, just bear in mind that there isn’t one ‘best bait’, instead think about what you’re doing and you should have no problems catching monster fish.
- Lifelike Design: High-resolution body detail, life-like 3D eyes and almost real swimming actions, flawlessly replicates an actual frog or bullfrog, help anglers attract a bigger catch
- Excellent PVC: The frog lures are produced with environmentally friendly PVC with amazing deliciousness, imitates the taste of an actual frog, hinders the fishing hook from getting spitted
- Perfect Angle Sitting: The core of gravity for RUNCL frog lures are constantly checked to ensure best angle sitting inside the water, helps with the success of hook up
- Weedless Design: With hooks embedded into the belly of the frogs, helps to expose the hooks better when the fish strikes, and no concern whatsoever about hanging up by lily pads or weed beds
- Special Combination: The completely unique fishing tackle box in the marketplace is equipped with 5 different types of frog lures, perfect for all sorts of complicated fishing conditions
- Topwater Fishing Lure - 3D holographic eyes and verisimilar body make it a life like fish. Will float at the surwater if go no action.
- Multi Jointed Body - Connect with textile fabrics, moves flexible, simulation fish tail. Pull at a constant speed to shows a S swim action.
- Artificial Bait - Reusable & environment protective swimbait.Brilliantly replicates color and patterns of actual bait fish.
- Gravity Ball & Treble Hooks - Built-in gravity ball helps to raise the throw distance and make some noise to attract the fishes. 2 super sharp rust-proof treble hooks, high durability and flexibility.
- Widely targeting at predator fishes such as bass, yellow perch, walleye, pike, muskie, roach, trout, etc. Suitable for saltwater and freshwater fishing, wonderful lures for anglers.
The post What Do Bass Eat? 7 Surprising Baits that Work Every Time appeared first on Crow Survival.
source https://www.crowsurvival.com/what-do-bass-eat/
Saturday, 21 July 2018
Best Tactical Boots – Top Picks and Reviews 2018
Tactical gear is increasingly popular, and it’s easy to understand why when you look at the selection available. We’re here to show you our humble selection of the best tactical boots available on the market. Before we get to the top models, let’s answer the most basic question some of you might have – what exactly are tactical boots?
There are a plethora of different models, and if you simply Google “tac boots” you’ll end up even more confused. Namely, some tactical boots are bulky, some models resemble your average Nikes, and there are even models that look nearly exactly alike Dr. Martens, so it’s not the aesthetics that concern us that much.
Tactical boots are, in essence, heavily reinforced boots that provide additional stability, support, and which are perfect for rough terrain trekking, hiking, and climbing. Additionally, tactical boots are perfect for people who’ve sustained bone or muscle injuries on their legs, as the unmatched support tactical boots provide will cushion these areas neatly and gently.
The Best Tactical Boots Reviewed
Now that we’ve cleared some air, let’s see the list of the best tactical boots on the market – we’ve included models from various brands, including Free Soldier, Garmont, Beleville, and more.
Ryno Gear Tactical Combat Boots with CoolMax Lining
A Quick Overview of Key Specs and Features:
Ryno Gear’s Tactical combat boots are mostly made of premium-quality leather materials and are reinforced with ballistic nylon which provides outstanding durability and superb comfort. The collar is padded, and the mesh lining incredibly breathable.
On top of that, the outsole features slip resistant rubber which provides additional grip. The inner lining is water resistant and the shock-absorbent.
Ryno Gear’s Tactical combat boots are very comfortable. Simply due to the fact that they’re not as tall as average tactical boots, Ryno Gear tac boots won’t strain your ankles or put too much pressure on your heels. Overall, if you’re looking for light-duty tac boots, this model will be perfect for you.
Plainly put, Ryno Gear’s tactical combat boots look rather awesome. Apart from the plain, yet beautiful laces there’s a zipper on the side which make them look quite modern and unique. To top it all, they’re colored in beige, straying a bit from the traditional black concept. That, of course, means that you’ll be able to wear them both casually and while trekking or hiking.
In essence, these tactical boots don’t cost too much, but it’s true that there are cheaper tac boots available. Great value for the price in any case.
What we liked about these combat boots:
The first thing you’ll like about this set of tactical boots is their beautiful, convenient design. Namely, they look exquisitely great and aren’t lacking in comfort by a long shot. They’re made of very plushy materials that are pretty robust (considering that only a part of the boot is made of leather). What’s more, they could be worn as regular boots due to their versatile design.
What we thought could be improved:
The sides of Ryno Gear’s tactical boots are not as firm as the other parts. That means that you’ll still benefit from great support, but if you intend to traverse incredibly rough terrains (snowy mountains for example), you should consider other models in our best tactical boots review. Apart from that, they’re only 6 inches long, so if you’re looking to protect your legs from cold, what we said earlier applies as well.
- Decently affordable
- Great combination of nylon and leather materials;
- Quite sturdy, ideal for light-duty trekking and hiking
- Exquisitely breathable;
- Several features are removable, making these boots easy to clean and maintain
- The sides are rather weak and somewhat less durable than the rest of the boot
- Short boots, not suitable for deep snow, marshes, or similar terrains
Under Armour Men’s Valsetz RTS
A Quick Overview of Key Specs and Features:
Under Armour Men’s Valsetz RTS combat boots are mostly made of synthetic materials, counting leather and textile. They feature a rubber sole, abrasion resistant film and full-length microfoam at the bottom parts, making them especially great for traversing rough terrain, although wearing them on plain concrete won’t feel unnatural.
They’re available in four color variations, including black, coyote brown, desert sand, and reaper camo.
Synthetic leather is somewhat less comfortable to wear than real leather, but that doesn’t mean that Under Armour Men’s Valsetz RTS combat boots aren’t comfortable – it’s quite the contrary. These boots feature ClutchFit technology that neatly wraps around the wearer’s ankles with a sort of second-skin feel. There’s also the Ortholite sockliner that feels as gentle as the cloud once you start wearing these boots.
Just like our previous pick, Under Armour Men’s Valsetz RTS combat boots look urban and modern. They’re quite long, so you probably don’t want to wear them on your night out, but even still they’re among the most beautiful tactical boots in this review.
Surely enough, Under Armour’s Men’s Valsetz RTS tactical boots don’t come cheap. They, however, don’t cost a fortune, and it’s safe to say that they hold quite a value for the buck.
What we liked about these combat boots:
Comfy? Check. Durable? Check. Pricey? A bit. Under Armour’s Men’s Valsetz RTS tactical boots are beautiful and incredibly plushy, but what we really liked about them is their versatility. You’ll benefit from outstanding feet and ankle support if you choose them, and that’s putting it mildly.
What we thought could be improved:
The only real issue we had about these boots is their price. Sure, they’ll give you what you need in terms of comfortability and durability, and they’re exquisitely comfortable, to say the least, but they could be just a tad cheaper.
- Durable and sturdy
- Available in several colors
- Synthetic leather materials
- Very comfortable to wear
- Great support
- Overpriced
FREE SOLDIER Men’s Lightweight Tactical Boots
A quick overview of key specs and features:
Free Soldier’s Men’s tactical boots are classy, to say the least. The fabric of these boots feature leather and nylon materials, the inside is made of air mesh, and the outsole features non slip rubber materials. They’re decently lightweight and quite durable. Overall, they’re suited for all-terrain hikes, runs, treks, and similar outdoor activities.
The comfortability of Free Soldier’s Men’s tactical boots is off the charts. They’re incredibly light and breathable, and they are, perhaps, the most comfortable tactical boots you’d get for the buck. One of the main qualities of these tactical boots is that they’re lighter than most average tac boots.
By simply looking at Free Soldier’s Men’s tactical boots you could easily deduce that they’re not for show. Namely, they look all too ordinary, and one could conclude that they should be used when needed, not for flair.
Free Soldier’s Men’s tactical boots aren’t shamefully cheap, but they’re very affordable. The price is just one of the many things you’ll like about them.
What we liked about these combat boots:
First of all, we liked the materials of Free Soldier’s tactical boots. They’re made of quality leather and nylon for the most part, and they’re wearing resistant due to the abrasion-resistant rubber outsole. They’re exceptionally versatile too, allowing for all-terrain camping, hiking, trekking, and running.
What we thought could be improved:
Generally, there are no notable flaws regarding Free Soldier’s tactical boots. They don’t cost too much, and they’ll provide you with much-needed comfortability and versatility with ease.
- Classy outlook
- High-quality leather and nylon materials
- Removable features for easy maintenance
- Lightweight and sturdy
- Wear-resistant
- Suitable for all-terrain hiking and camping
- No major flaws
- Really, we can’t think of any
5.11 Tactical A.T.A.C. 6″ Side Zip Boot
Quick overview of key specs and features:
Five Eleven’s A.T.A.C. tactical boots are made of incredibly durable leather materials with the exception of the sole which is made of synthetic materials. You’ll notice that it’s pure, real leather that was used in the manufacturing process of these boots once you polish them for the first time.
The lining boasts antibacterial and moisture-wicking properties while the outsole is oil and slip-resistant.
These tactical boots are very, very comfortable to wear, although they couldn’t match the comfortability of Free Soldier’s tactical boots – even though both of these models are purely made of leather, the specific material used in the manufacturing of A.T.A.C. is more robust, hence just a tad less comfy. Even still, you won’t have any issues with these boots if you intend to wear them across rough terrains.
A single-hearted opinion regarding the aesthetics of Five Eleven’s A.T.A.C. tactical boots simply can’t exist. Some would label them as “plain”, while other people point out that the polishable leather surface of these boots make them look awesome, to say the least. Be it as it may, they look different, if not exquisite.
Five Eleven’s Tactical A.T.A.C. boots are quite pricey – they belong to the medium bracket of the “high” price point category. Anyhow, they’re very valuable for the buck, and it’s safe to say that you’ll be happy with your purchase should you give them a shot.
What we liked about these combat boots:
Five Eleven’s Tactical A.T.A.C. tactical boots are convenient and very handy in virtually every situation you could imagine. They’re not too heavy, they’re robust, and they’ll withstand all kinds of weather and terrain with ease. The synthetic sole and incredibly resistant lining are just some of the wonderful features these boots boast.
What we thought could be improved:
Firstly, Five Eleven’s A.T.A.C. tactical boots are a bit too pricey. They’re decently comfortable, although there are sturdier boots you should consider if you intend to climb hardly traversable mountains or generally trek (camp or hike) in rough conditions.
- These boots look pretty cool
- Shock absorbing capabilities
- Synthetic and leather materials
- Oil and slip resistant
- Quite pricey
- Undecided durability
Oakley Mens Light Assault Boot 2 Boots
A Quick Overview of Key Specs and Features:
Oakley’s Light Assault Boots might give off a confusing first impression – they look rather thin and most people would think that they offer little protection from elements and mediocre support in the best-case scenario. The truth, however, couldn’t be further from that.
First of all, these tactical boots are available in four color variations – desert, coyote, sage, and blackout, but we’ll address this issue in the aesthetics section. They’re made of rubber materials (note that we’ve mainly reviewed leather tactical boots) and come outfitted with EVA midsole & outsole, and synthetic upper part. They’re also finished with exquisite rugged nylon laces.
It seems that these boots were manufactured with comfortability and mobility in mind. They’re incredibly light and sturdy. The rubber doesn’t “suffocate” the legs as much as leather do, so it’s safe to say that you’ll benefit from increased mobility, to say the least. They’re also ventilated, which provides additional comfort.
Rubber boots are always fashionable, but Oakley’s Light Assault boots have raised the bar in this field. Depending on the color you’ve chosen, these boots can be grim & dangerous or plain and fashionable. The “desert” and “coyote” are ideal for summer people while “sage” and “blackout” are for cardinal guys and gals. Rest assured that whichever color you pick it’s pretty obvious that these boots are urban and beautiful.
Oakley’s Light Assault Boots are quite expensive, but you shouldn’t let that dissuade you from considering and, ultimately, enjoying them. They bring a lot of benefits along, and we suggest that you take all the factors into consideration before ruling them out simply because they cost more than your average tac boots.
What we liked about these combat boots:
The first thing that comes to mind when you’re asked “what you liked about Oakley’s Light Assault Boots” is, in most cases, the squishy rubber material. These boots are very, very comfortable to wear, regardless of whether you’re wearing them casually or during extreme activities (mountaineering, hard hiking or camping in dangerous wildlife).
What we thought could be improved:
Basically, the only bad thing about Oakley’s Light Assault boots is that they’re very pricey. On the other hand, even though rubber is almost as robust and durable as leather, the scratch marks will be more visible on this material.
- Durable rubber material
- Exceptionally lightweight
- Ventilated for superb comfort
- EVA midsole
- Very pricey
FREE SOLDIER Men’s Boots All Terrain Hiking Shoes
A Quick Overview of Key Specs and Features:
We’ve already reviewed one model from Free Soldier brand, but here we have something a bit different. This particular set of tactical boots feature exceptionally durable scratch-resistant leather materials (for the most part). The upper features nylon mesh material and the all-terrain outsole provides a superb grip and works exceptionally great when hiking over rough terrains.
What’s more, the lining is well suited for all kinds of weather and purposes, be it trekking in cold weather or traversing the sandy dunes.
The interior of Free soldier’s men’s all-terrain tactical boots feels incredibly plushy and comfortable. Surely enough, these boots are intended for all-terrain hiking, trekking, camping, and similar activities, so you might feel a bit more comfortable in them in one situation and less in another, but the fact remains that they’re exceptionally comfortable overall.
We’ve seen some incredibly beautiful tactical boots in the reviews so far, and we’ve also stated that our first Free Marine tac boots model isn’t exactly modern per se. This one, however, looks quite urban due to the camouflage design. These boots are fashionable and tactical at the same time, not to mention the fact that they’re convenient if you intend to do some photographing or hunting in thick foliage.
Just like our previous Free Marine tac boots model, this one doesn’t cost too much. In fact, the difference in price between these two models is expressed in several bucks tops. That being said, it’s easy to deduce that they’re both cheap and valuable for the cash.
What we liked about these combat boots:
The practicality and comfortability of Free Marine tactical boots are just the starts. They’re incredibly versatile, as can be seen in the all-terrain title, so we have naught but words of praise regarding this tactical boot model. On top of that, they’re quite affordable, so it’s safe to say you’ll like everything about them if you’re looking for quality boots.
What we thought could be improved:
Actually, we dare say that Free soldier’s all-terrain tactical boots are nearly perfect. There are no notable flaws we should warn you about apart from them being just tad heavier than regular tactical boots (due to thick build materials).
- Excellent price
- Superbly comfortable
- Outstanding versatility
- Durable and fashionable
- Camouflage for additional stealth
- No major flaws apart from these boots being a bit heavy
Garmont T8 Bifida Tactical Boot
A Quick Overview of Key Specs and Features:
Next up in our review of the best tactical boots is Garmont’s T8 Bifida tactical boot model. These boots are available in “coyote” and “desert” sand color options and they’re made of high-quality Suede materials. The upper part of these boots features nylon mesh which provides additional breathability while canvas & texon reinforcements provide additional durability.
Suede is generally less comfortable than plain leather, but it’s a fact that this type of material can withstand more punishment. In essence, these boots are decently comfortable but extremely durable. What’s more, these boots feature upper nylon mesh which provides more breathability, so we can conclude that Garmont’s T8 Bifda Tactical boots are, in fact, pretty comfortable to wear.
Now, these are maybe the best tactical boots in terms of aesthetics – they’re beautiful and exquisite in every way possible. The laces are beautiful and the finishing touches are easy to notice. In fact, most people would mistake these boots for regular, fashionable boots.
Garmont’s T8 Bifda Tactical boots belong to the upper bracket of the “high” price point category. They do cost quite a lot, but they hold a superb value for the buck – they’re decently comfortable, as sturdy as can be, and provide great leg support.
What we liked about these combat boots:
We liked how these boots look initially, but what really got to us is their usefulness. These boots will support your legs if you intend to do some mountaineering or camping in rough areas, they’ll remain comfortable even after several hours, and the quick-dry materials allow for easy maintenance. Overall, they’re great in virtually every field of performance.
What we thought could be improved:
These boots come at a high price, that’s true, but it’s not their expensiveness that we thought they’re lacking in. Some people (especially those with big feet) might need to purchase insoles as the fit is quite snug. Another thing that we thought could be improved is the weight of these boots – namely, they’re unnecessarily heavy.
- Available in two colors
- Premium Suede materials
- Breathable nylon mesh upper
- Canvas reinforcements for additional durability
- Decently versatile
- Expensive and heavy
Beleville TR102 Tactical Research Minimalist Training Boot
A Quick Overview of Key Specs and Features:
If you’re looking for a by-the-book set of tactical boots, Beleville’s TR102 tactical research minimalist training boots are ideal for you. These tactical boots are made of incredibly durable leather materials and feature a 5mm “drop”, Vibram oil, padded Achilles support, double and triple stitched seams, and oil & slip-resistant rubber.
Beleville’s TR102 tactical research minimalist training boots are genuinely comfortable – the manufacturer intended these combat boots to provide as much support to the wearer as possible, as can be seen through the padded support for the Achilles heel. The upper features unlined leather and nylon materials which are extremely breathable, so we can safely guarantee that you’ll be very comfy in these boots.
Beleville’s TR102 tactical research minimalist training boots look quite ordinary, but they’re good-looking nevertheless. In essence, these combat boots excel in versatility, comfortability, and durability, but they lack a bit in aesthetics, so you shouldn’t exactly wear them casually like you would Free Marine’s tactical boots for example.
The price of Beleville’s TR102 tactical research minimalist training boots is quite steep. Just like our previous best tactical boots pick, this model belongs to the upper bracket of the “high” price point category. Even though they have so very little in common, Beleville’s TR102 tactical research minimalist training boots and Garmont’s T8 Bifida tactical boots are both very valuable for the price.
What we liked about these combat boots:
Beleville’s TR102 tactical research minimalist training boots excel in many different areas of performance. They’re versatile as they can be used in any number of situations – for hiking, camping, mountaineering, and virtually anything you imagine. On top of that, the leather Beleville staff used is durable and resistant to oil, as well as highly breathable all the while.
What we thought could be improved:
There are several things we thought could be improved about Beleville’s TR102 tactical research minimalist training boots. First of all, the lace loops sometimes dig into sides of the wearer’s feet.
Furthermore, these boots require quite some time to break in, and the hard sole doesn’t really help the matter. Lastly, Beleville’s TR102 tactical research minimalist training boots cost quite a bit, but in the end, they’re very valuable for the cash as the benefits are more than capable of outshining these small flaws.
- Exceptionally comfortable tactical boots
- Exquisitely breathable
- Superb grip (non-slip rubber materials)
- Versatile and robust
- You’ll need quite some time to break them in
- Lace loops dig into the wearer’s feet at times
- Expensive
Original S.W.A.T. Men’s Metro Air 9-Inch Side-Zip Tactical Boot
A Quick Overview of Key Specs and Features:
Just like the title implies, these are Original S.W.A.T. tactical boots – they’re used by the brave law enforcement special forces who demand nothing short of ultimate comfortability and mobility, so it’s safe to say that you should expect quite a lot of these boots.
They’re made of leather materials and feature custom-molded EVA midsole and nylon shank, as well as double stitched upper.
Special weapons and tactics officers wouldn’t be so special if they wore uncomfortable boots, so basic deduction and logic imply that Original S.W.A.T. boots are very, very comfortable. Numerous features contribute to our former statement – the Phylon EVA sole provides superb comfort and the boots themselves are lightweight altogether.
Even though Original S.W.A.T. boots look very plain, they look exactly like the boots used by actual swat troops. That, of course, means that even though these tactical boots look very straightforward, they ‘re among the coolest boots in the “tactical” department.
Just like you suspected, true tactical boots cost quite a lot, and the best tactical boots available for the cash cost an arm and a leg. You shouldn’t fret too much about that, though, as Original S.W.A.T. boots don’t cost a fortune – they do, however, belong to the medium bracket of the “high” price point category, but they’re as valuable as can be.
What we liked about these combat boots:
First of all, we liked the fact that these are actual swat boots – there’s nothing more “tactical” than special force gear, so it’s only logical that we’ve included this model as one of our best tactical boots. They provide ultimate comfort and mobility and are made of exquisite leather materials, are outfitted with the best possible features, and excel in virtually every field of performance.
What we thought could be improved:
This might not sound like much, but the only bad thing about S.W.A.T. boots is that they’re rather squeaky. Apart from that, they’re quite pricey too, but their value negates the “pricey” part as a flaw.
- Actual S.W.A.T. boots
- Ultimate comfortability and mobility
- Superb sturdiness and durability
- Great for all-terrain hiking, camping, hunting, and similar activities
- These boots are very squeaky
- Pricey
Rothco V-Max Lightweight Tactical Boot
A Quick Overview of Key Specs and Features:
The last set of best tactical boots in our review is Rothco V-Max tactical boot. These boots are available in three color variations, including black, coyote brown, and desert sand. The V-Max tactical boots are made of synthetic materials, they feature durable nylon upper, EVA outsole, and padded removable collar.
Rothco V-Max tactical boots are exceptionally comfortable to wear. Even though they’re made of synthetic materials, the inner part of these boots is squishy and very comfortable, so you can rest assured that your feet will remain gently cushioned as you traverse virtually any kind of terrain.
We’ve deliberately saved the best tactical boots for last – Rothco V-Max tactical boot excels in aesthetics regardless of the color you picked. The laces are modern, and the overall design of these boots don’t actually resemble the traditional concept of “tactical boots” per se. That’s, perhaps, the reason why they’re so beautiful.
Rothco V-Max tactical boots are neither expensive or cheap. They belong to the medium price point category and hold a huge value for the buck – in essence, these are durable, comfortable military boots that you’ll come to love as soon as you start wearing them.
What we liked about these combat boots:
If you are looking to protect your legs, feet, and ankles while looking fashionable, Rothco V-Max tactical boots are ideal for you. They also come at a very favorable price, and they come outfitted with premium-quality features.
What we thought could be improved:
The only thing you might not like about Rothco V-Max tactical boots is the synthetic build. They’re made of materials that won’t feel as comfortable to everyone.
- Great price
- Durable and sturdy
- Available in three color variations
- Versatile
- Excel in aesthetics
- Synthetic material
Best Tactical Boots Buying Guide
This section is dedicated to beginners who have little or no experience with tactical boots. As we’ve already explained what tac boots are, let’s discuss the elements of the best tactical boots in more detail:
Let’s not forget that tactical boots are, after all, boots – a clothing piece(s). That’s the reason why comfortability is more important than anything else, as all would’ve been for naught if you didn’t feel good in your boots. Knowing this, what makes tactical boots comfortable or uncomfortable to wear?
First of all, it’s the general design of the boot. Taller boots provide more protection, but they usually hinder the wearer’s mobility, not to mention that they tend to lower the level of breathability the boots in question provide.
Secondly, the insole plays a vital role – some boots are comfortable because this feature is good, other models don’t even have insoles, so you’d have to buy them separately if the boots don’t feel comfortable enough.
Lastly, let’s talk a bit about the support tactical boots offer. Generally, all boots provide leg support, but certain models provide special, or specific supports. For instance, some tactical boots have reinforced ankle pads, Achilles heel support, bubbly liners, and such.
The durability of your boots is as important as comfortability. Namely, a flimsy set of boots can never be labeled as “valuable” as they would wear and tear quickly, making them useless by a long shot – who would want to invest in something that will end up in the garbage anyway?
The material of the boots in question is very important when determining the durability level. For instance, leather is widely known as the best tactical boots material as it feels good and is very robust. Some brands use synthetic materials as they are more flexible to work with – you could make more fashionable boots using these materials, but they’re not as durable as leather.
Additionally, most brands make tactical boots of several materials – for example, the base of the boot is usually made of leather while soles are usually made of rubber, liners are made of mesh, and so on.
The main reason why there are so many different models of tactical boots is that people with different needs require them for different purposes. Some people need tactical boots for work (law enforcement officers, military personnel, and such), others like to camp in rough areas, and such.
The basic tactical boots are intended for concrete, but you’ll be fine if you wear them on tall grass, thick foliage, or moderately mucky terrains. Heavy-duty tactical boots, on the other hand, are designed to withstand elements and slippage, but they are, just like their name implies, heavier than regular tactical boots.
On the opposite end are the light-duty boots – tactical boots intended to provide as much mobility as possible, but they don’t perform so well when worn against rough terrains. Lastly, if you are an adventurer who doesn’t know where you’ll path will take you, consider all-terrain tactical boots. These tac boots are equally great when worn against any kind of surface.
Tactical boots should be regularly maintained else they’ll wear and tear just as easily as regular old and flimsy boots. Some tactical boots are easy to maintain while others not, so how do you know this?
It’s very simple, actually. Certain tactical boots models feature removable features – usually it’s the tongue, outsole, or some smaller part (the laces don’t count, obviously). By removing these features you can wash and clean them separately. Additionally, there are tac boot models that are polishable, although these boots are almost exclusively made of pure leather materials.
The maintenance isn’t too important when determining the overall value of the tactical boots – easy maintenance is just a bonus, whereas boots that are harder to maintain will simply squeeze out more of your time. Consider some of the models we’ve picked for you, as most of them are very easy to maintain.
The price is certainly an important aspect that deserves consideration before you pass on the final verdict of which tactical boots are the best for you. The only thing you need to know before we even begin addressing this issue is that there’s no such thing as cheap tactical boots.
Nearly all models cost at least $50, although exceptions are possible. These exceptions, however, are (at least in most cases) flimsy boots made by obscure brands. World-class leaders in the tactical boots industry (such as Danner, Free Soldier, and such) offer models that are scattered throughout various price point categories, but it’s safe to assume that you’ll always fare better if you pitch in $10 – $15 bucks more than you intended.
So, is there any real difference between cheap and expensive tactical boots? The first notable difference is that cheap tactical boots are usually flimsy and poor in terms of comfortability and versatility whereas expensive models excel in these fields.
On the other hand, more expensive models usually look exquisite and beautiful, but we’ll address this matter in the section below.
Aesthetics are certainly the least important aspect that deserves attention – since you’re looking for the best tactical boots, you obviously don’t want to show them off, rather you want to keep your legs and feet protected from the many hazards of mother nature.
That, however, doesn’t mean that you should settle for a set of ugly boots – luckily, the market is full of exquisite and beautiful models.
This concludes our review of the best tactical boots available for the money. We hope that you liked our top picks and that you didn’t skip out on the buying guide section – it contains valuable info which will help you decide which model represents the best tactical boots for you and you alone. Gear up and have fun – we wish you all the luck in finding the best tactical boots!
The post Best Tactical Boots – Top Picks and Reviews 2018 appeared first on Crow Survival.
source https://www.crowsurvival.com/best-tactical-boots-top-picks-and-reviews-2018/